Do you have big dreams of becoming a world-renowned YouTuber or podcaster and hosting your own show one day? Does the idea of interviewing celebrities excite you but also make feel faint?

I hear you! As someone who has spent the bulk of my career working with some of the top on-air personalities in Canada, getting comfortable in front of the camera is a skill that everyone can excel at with practice.

Having interviewed celebrities, scholars, and titans of industry, I've developed a unique system that allows me to hold killer conversations with anyone, anywhere, without relying on notes, lists of questions or background information.

I will teach you the secrets to interviewing absolutely anyone on the fly with zero fear. When you work with me, your session could cover anything from camera confidence to the questions you need to absolutely avoid when conducting an interview, or how to remain calm under even the most stressful of situations.

Drop me a line and let's chat about your project!



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